Fiji Rain
Taveuni is “the garden island” of Fiji—the jewel of jewels, and sole home of one of the rarest flowers in the world, which I was able to find and photograph. I was trying to do some screenwriting and journaling on the porch the day of this picture. Big, beautiful thunderstorms cropped up in the afternoons. “The sound of wind in the palm fronds is indistinguishable from the sound of rain, which sneaks up often,” I wrote. “The wonderful thing is that you can see where you are. You know you are on the edge of one island a certain size, amongst other islands of certain sizes, because you can see them off across the water, which you know goes on and on for thousands of miles.” This photo is a nice reminder to me to “know where I am.” Life so easily reduces to a two-dimensional rate-race of monotony unless we look up and around, and “zoom out” from the minutia. I set up a tripod and took an exposure-bracketed series of three photos to capture the detail of this storm over Viani Bay on Vanua Levu, opposite Taveuni. I loved the symmetry. Island hopping in a sailboat has been a longtime dream of mine, and this scene definitely fueled the vision. Canon Powershot G10, f/8, 1/250 sec., ISO-80, 11mm focal length, 3-photo HDR B&W composite

Iceland Bicycle Trekkers
The only way to access the interior of Iceland, at least legally, is by 4x4. This was my first day on the “F” (4x4) roads in an old beat-up Durango from CheapJeep.is. I actually got out to take a picture of the sheep, who were standing the road ahead. Soon I saw the bike riders coming from the horizon, and managed several shots at the moment the scared the sheep away. We camped that night near the snowy mountains in the background. I journaled, “The grass gave way to rocky tundra, but that grew beautiful with wildflowers and river canyons, and eventually spectacularly colored steam vents mixed in with the snow. Steep snowy peaks tower above, and vast glaciers surround us. ...I really feel the music to which I hope always to dance. Not always camping or traveling, but always charging off toward the horizon with hope and zest for life.” Canon EOS-1D X, f/11, 1/250 sec., ISO-100, 300mm focal length

Flamingos, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Taveuni sunset, Fiji

Shield Bug detail, Fiji

Flamingos taking flight, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanznia

Lionfish, Fiji